Category Archives: Storytelling

This is where I brainstorm and hope to get feedback.

Operation: Aspiration – A Wattpad Story

Operation Aspiration Cover

After years of talking about it, I finally did it! I have begun my web series “Operation: Aspiration” on Wattpad!!!

It’s a story I started over ten years ago inspired after my own move to New York City when I was eighteen. I, too, dreamt of being a Broadway star. I had created Devina to live vicariously through her.
New York City is forever my favorite and I am going to have so much fun sharing her story with you all.

Quick Blurb:
Devina has spent a lifetime dreaming about moving to the center of the universe, New York City, to perform on the grandest stages of all, Broadway. After years of internal debate, she finally decides to take the leap of faith to the opposite corner of the country and begins her new life chasing a dream. Follow along and experience the struggles, the friendships, the romance, and joys as Devina encounters them herself.

Every Saturday I’ll post a new chapter, but be on the lookout for additional, bonus chapters throughout the week.

I want to thank everyone who has kept me motivated to chase my own dream, writing.

Link to the story: Operation: Aspiration – On Wattpad
My Facebook page: Sky Tillery on Facebook
My Goodreads profile: Sky Tillery on Goodreads

Be on the lookout on my pages for giveaways!

How I vision my characters as I write…

Lana Del Rey and Paul Marron

Lana Del Rey and Paul Marron

Alright, don’t laugh too hard at my botchy job! I got a tad bored today and played around with some cover ideas. This is as close as I could get how I vision my characters in this Brazilian thriller I am writing… Searching for the right model to portray my “Jared Stirling” I found Paul Marron… That’s when I realized, “Holy crap, he’s on SO many of my favorite books covers and I have yet to realize that…” But, with grey eyes and hair just a bit longer, swept back and down to his ears, is my Jared.

And then, there’s the stunning “Lana Del Rey”. Only, in my book, Gemma has eyes that are as beautiful as emeralds. This is pretty much my dream cover. Well…with a professional touch and maybe even actual poses. I don’t think I will be recieving any Photo of the Year award for this, for goodness sake. Unless I was nominated by a preschool 😀 *ponders the photo*

I also figured out a somewhat perfect setting in the Amazon, finally. Their main “hub” and go-to town is Iquitos. It’s full of culture, tourists (which allows Gemma to take her vacation to) and plenty of markets to stock up on food and our ‘bad’ guys can head back out and survive in the jungle.

Hidden beneath all this foliage somewhere, on either side, far or near, up or down the river , hides the bad guys. You’ll never find them, and if you do… *evil laughter*

So… there you have it. I am still working on the chemistry between the plot, setting, characters, and dialogue, but I know how it will begin and how it ends, and some climaxes, and turns and wooaaahhh, there goes my mind spinning again. Anyhoooo, thought it would be fun to share some of the stuff I am working on and researching with you guys =D
AH yes, as you see I have solved last night’s dilemma of name picking. What do you guys think? Jared Stirling and Gemma Ainsley.

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My Brazilian Crime Thriller…Romance?

Research Help!Yet another writing project started! I had a whacky dream… many a times now. I can’t share exactly what it is about only because I am using this intense adventure as a sign of it needing to be a novel, not that it’s going to be perfect or anything! Buuut, I am going to have a lot of fun with this, I just know it!

Though, I have a few things I need to research before I adapt this dream into a book idea… Firstly, I need to understand the laws and police of Brazil. Second, geography, mainly the forests, I need to figure out if it’s possible to have “farmland” on any part or near the Amazon borders. (Peru, Columbia, etc…) A good ways away from the nearest town, but still close enough to where a group of people could survive by going into town when they need food, gas, etc. There are a few times in my dream where…again..without spoiling…the police arrived on this “farmland” in search of a missing girl, the bad guys have special precautions to take when they see any vehicle coming towards the property in order to hide their “activity”.

I know anything is possible in Fiction, but I want to be able to make it as realistic as I can. Like, (don’t laugh at me =p) is it too far out there that they would need solar panels to power the house, or if there are indeed people who reside on farmlands in the forest near the Amazons supplied with electricity sufficiently? I need to work a way around this farmland in the middle of the forest (Dreams can be weird, I know!) while being checked out once in a while by police without being evicted from illegal placement of a residence. If this isn’t possible, I shall move my book to a new continent! Oi, my brain is scattered, but I guess this comes with concocting a novel from a crazy dream. I am reading up on a lot of articles and sponging information, but any help would be fabulous! Please bear with my ignorance hahahha.


After doing some research, I have come to conclude that I will just have to set my book a lil further in the future, as they are in the process of building the Belo Monte Dam to harness power for the Amazon! DING DING! Ahh, half the fun of writing is the research!  (Still, any help on law enforcement would be awesome!!) I heard the sad story recently about the state of Para now that I think about it, so out of respect, I think I am going to move my story far from that area >.>

Book Blogs are fun!

I’ve made a new blog here, and it’s such a wonderful creative outlet for me, I enjoy discussing different views on many genres of books, and just have tons of fun with it.  I am slowly transferring a lot of the book reviews I’ve written  to WordPress to share with the blogging world. This newest addiction began after a few winning entries on for advanced copy books, soon before I knew it, I had more authors ask if I would exchange a review for a book. As a book collector to begin with, this was just an awesome amazing thing for me, totally unleashed the nerdy-kid outta me. Having a love for writing and expressing, this has been a perfect hobby. I am hoping to expand to be able to meet more new authors and spread the word of their great talent.  

My friend and I have started a blog together as well. Her and I have obsessed over books for a while now, and find ourselves quite caught up in these amazing fictional worlds from a variety of our favorite authors build, and we often find our conversations hilarious, soooo, we decided to open up to the world and get more people to join in and chat with us! We will be beginning a Google Hangout with author/book discussions, skits, give aways, and more! If you are interested in becoming a Booknatic, you can find us here at these links =D – Our group on GR’s

And here’s a link to my review blog:
You will notice that I read every genre there is, so hopefully you can find a review that relates to you! If there is a book you want to read, but want a review for it, give me the name and I’ll hunt it down! Or if you are an author looking for a review, I would gladly and honorably take the challenge!

Getting there! 300 pages in

Hello, everyone!

Thank you for sticking with me. I have just re-located with my job so I have been all sorts of busy.  But, I have been sticking with the story, and I am about 300 pages in to it! I am so excited. If I keep at it, and read it over again, I may be able to find an editor for this book by the end of this year.

I have four other stories lined up after this one, but till then, I need to remain focused. It’s such an unbelievable feeling, making up your own characters, writing their stories, living your fantasies through them. I haven’t been able to stop writing this romance. As I said, I don’t enjoy reading romances/dramas, or any story for that matter, where the girl is incompetent and overly needy. Therefore, I will not be writing one which displays such a girl. I do love how this character turned out, she’s brave, strong-willed and very passionate. I can only hope that my readers will agree!

I don’t want to give too much out about the story just yet, but this will most likely be the only Drama/Romance I will ever write, because normally, it isn’t my type. It all began with a very odd dream I had years ago, and it made my heart flutter. *swoon* The next story I will be working on after that, is a thriller, something my imagination went straying off about one day. I have had other writers take a look at it a couple of years ago and they have fallen in love with the plot, so with that pressure, I have to make sure I get it right! Gah, there I go again, must focus. You guys need to push on me! Focus focus focus! 

Well, that is it for me right now, seeing as I am at work right now and better get back to it. Once again, thank you all who have followed my blog. You guys are most definitely my inspiration to keep at it, need to make you proud!

All yours,
