Blog Archives

Operation: Aspiration – Chapter Three

20170113_170428New chapter posted on Wattpad!

Find it here!


Operation: Aspiration – A Wattpad Story

Operation Aspiration Cover

After years of talking about it, I finally did it! I have begun my web series “Operation: Aspiration” on Wattpad!!!

It’s a story I started over ten years ago inspired after my own move to New York City when I was eighteen. I, too, dreamt of being a Broadway star. I had created Devina to live vicariously through her.
New York City is forever my favorite and I am going to have so much fun sharing her story with you all.

Quick Blurb:
Devina has spent a lifetime dreaming about moving to the center of the universe, New York City, to perform on the grandest stages of all, Broadway. After years of internal debate, she finally decides to take the leap of faith to the opposite corner of the country and begins her new life chasing a dream. Follow along and experience the struggles, the friendships, the romance, and joys as Devina encounters them herself.

Every Saturday I’ll post a new chapter, but be on the lookout for additional, bonus chapters throughout the week.

I want to thank everyone who has kept me motivated to chase my own dream, writing.

Link to the story: Operation: Aspiration – On Wattpad
My Facebook page: Sky Tillery on Facebook
My Goodreads profile: Sky Tillery on Goodreads

Be on the lookout on my pages for giveaways!

Random Journal Post: Why I Write

A passion for writing seems to be in my blood; I was born to write.

My family is full of composers, poets and storytellers–I suppose it was only natural when I came into this world, my love for the written word would be instant. Today’s random, silly ramble, is all about the reasons why I love to write.

I write when there is nothing better to do; I write because there is nothing better to do.

I write when my mind travels to far off places; I write because I dream to visit many places.

I write when my heart aches; my heart aches when I cannot write.





I write when there is a song in my heart; writing keeps the song in my heart. 






I write things that I will never be, because writing gives me the power to be anyone I please.

I write when romance strikes a chord in my heart. When I feel loved, I take my pen and pour my heart onto paper to remember and cherish every beautiful moment.

I write when mystery lingers in the shadows, to discover what awaits on the other page that kept me on my toes.



Art by bjornbarend

I write when my heart races, a dream of monsters with many faces.



I write when I feel lost, because I know within the words I write, my heart’s desire will be found.




Writing gives me a voice when I feel like I can’t be heard; writing allows me to be the voice for others who cannot speak.



Writing is like bottling up memories, saving them for another time.

I write because in my dreams, I’ve made new friends who all have stories of their own to be told. 

I write because the overwhelming sensation of first kisses are quite an addiction.

And most importantly, I write because a world without imagination and adventures to be had, would be a bad kind of hell. 

Big Ebook and Treats Giveaway Event!

In the spirit of Halloween, a friend of mine and talented author Tina Pollick has put together a huge giveaway to celebrate authors indie and alike. Ebooks, bookmarks, gift cards and other treats. It’s going on until the 28th, so act fast!

Here’s the link for the Rafflecopter to sign up for:

Don’t miss out! This is a wonderful  and fun opportunity!
I will be organizing a giveaway of my own soon when I have completed my first novel, for all those details, check out and keep an eye out on my Facebook pages! Your support means everything to me, and I want to do something in return for you all, very soon!

Facebook page for Alexa Chase–my naughty side 😉

And my main page for all other novels:

Hope to connect with you soon!

Plot Bunnies!

So this is the first day into my vacation, and I have my mind totally devoted to writing for the rest of the week.  I am dancing around the house, cleaning and thinking. It’s amazing how you can think up one thing for a current WIP and then all of a sudden be slammed with a whole, entirely OFF TOPIC idea for another story. I’ve come to realize, though I have been writing for *years*, and have written about some of my special subjects, I’ve been forgetting some of my biggest passions. Things like Ancient Mythology and history. I have yet to write a Historical Romance! That’s when I got slammed with yet another idea, what better to start writing historical romances than starting with Ancient Egypt?! (A FAVORITE topic of mine) Right off the bat, a story came to me, and I dropped everything I was doing to run back to my desk and jot down the ideas. It’s too early to tell you all right now exactly what it is, only because I have yet to read anything like it before and I don’t want to let it slip just yet. It may not be the best story ever, but it’s mine LOL! Just playin’. But seriously… I am so excited about this!






My only problem… I have up to TEN WIP’s now! *mind spinning* How am I going to keep on track??
Here’s what I am working on: (will lack synopsis, I still have Copyrights to work on!)

1) A Urban Fantasy set in Alaska with magic and shifters (A big big revision of a story I worked on many moons ago, was originally a YA story but I have changed it to better suit my style now that I am an adult…or mostly :P)

2) A Halloween short for an Anthology a friend is hosting – A fallen angel who was banished from hell is accidently summoned

3) A contemporary romance: Heartstrings – Between a band guy named Cameron and broken girl Ava (Synopsis later) this story means a lot to me, so I say it will be published soon, but not sure HOW soon.

4) Paranormal romance – Another fallen angel story (my favorite paranormal)  Fallen Angel is a female

5) Fading Song: Another paranormal romance in subject of Sirens- This will be published by my penname Alexa Chase (Story is going to be a little naughty 😉 )

6) Urban Fantasy – Thriller – I really reallllllllllly cannot tell you what this one is about. It’s going to be very unique, I have literally never seen anything such as this done before. Only a few close friends know exactly what this is. It may even come out to be a little silly, but as I said before, if Sharknado can be a movie, then this could be a story DANGIT! LOL!!

7) Erotica Romance – in the country – Will be published under my penname Alexa Chase and most likely will be a novella

8) My blog series – Operation Aspiration. Overly ambitious girl sets out for NY– comedy, romance, so on. Been working on this for years. I have written it in several different styles. Finally decided to make it a blog series.

9) Some contemporary romance based on gaming and the people you meet – This one is special to me for multiple reasons as well

10) And this is my other big baby, my precious… a Romance, filled with crime, thrills, and suspense.

And now I have this Ancient Egyptian story stuck in my head! My 11th WIP *Sigh* Wish me luck, please! I will need it LOL


If you are interested in becoming a beta reader for me, or want to keep up with my updates, here’s my Facebook page, feel free to leave a message!


My Anthology Idea-Collection of Love Stories

I was reading over a lot of my old story ideas last night and I realized that I have way too many stories that I’ve stowed away over the years. So, I decided to make something of them and give them the light of day. I sorted them all into themes and I am thinking about making an anthology for each theme. This will be to keep me up with writing-exercises, keep my word-flow up, and also be able to share my fantasies.

Theme: Love Unexpected
A series of characters are living their daily lives and following their normal routines. Never did they expect they’d bump into that one stranger who may forever change the course of their life.
Lust explodes into love, anger turns into bliss, dreams come true, views on life are altered– Everything happy endings are made of.

Some will be more naughty than other stories, and I contemplated giving myself a pseudonym but it’s time I embrace my ideas and not hide from them, no matter how others may feel about them! I hope I can at least bring a few smiles to a readers face.

I have a few friends who will be helping me, but I would also love “beta” readers before I publish the whole thing just to get an idea of how others think of the stories, perhaps change things around before the publish.

Whatcha think?
I appreciate all the help and all the support!

You can find me here as well:

I am going to be in my first Anthology!!!!!


Hi, all! Thank you for sticking around with me, been super busy! My friend Krystle and I combined our book-blogs into one for The Booknatics, so we’ve been having a lot of fun with ARC reads and meeting wonderful authors.
Which brings me to my next thing I wanted to share. Thanks to one awesome author who gave me that final push I needed to get out there and finish a story to finally share with people/things other than what’s at home (lol) she is hosting my story in her Housewife Fantasy Anthology.
Lookie there! my name is there!

There’s quite a few other newbie authors such as much joining, very exciting! The book will be released sometime in August. Keep an eye out! There will be a story for everyone in this anthology. Different genres and different thrills.

Also, I stumbled upon a picture that reminds me of a certain scene I wrote near the end *shifty gaze*

I will be revamping this blog too to match the one I have for Blogger for those who don’t follow there, I am really excited to be burying my fear of the public view. Slowly, but surely, I will conquer my fear and wipe all the dust off my stories in storage, and bear what people may think, muahhaha


Here’s a link to my blogger:
There, I will be giving out free copies of my stories for reviews and ratings and honest feed-back! I will be writing a bit of everything to publish. YA, PNR, Paranormal Thrillers, Mysteries, Crime-Thriller, Contemp-Erotic Romance(under a penname), and also a blog series.

And if YOU are an author looking for reviews and promotions, or a reader looking for a good book, follow our blog The Booknatics, herrree:

Also, here’s my Facebook page:


How I vision my characters as I write…

Lana Del Rey and Paul Marron

Lana Del Rey and Paul Marron

Alright, don’t laugh too hard at my botchy job! I got a tad bored today and played around with some cover ideas. This is as close as I could get how I vision my characters in this Brazilian thriller I am writing… Searching for the right model to portray my “Jared Stirling” I found Paul Marron… That’s when I realized, “Holy crap, he’s on SO many of my favorite books covers and I have yet to realize that…” But, with grey eyes and hair just a bit longer, swept back and down to his ears, is my Jared.

And then, there’s the stunning “Lana Del Rey”. Only, in my book, Gemma has eyes that are as beautiful as emeralds. This is pretty much my dream cover. Well…with a professional touch and maybe even actual poses. I don’t think I will be recieving any Photo of the Year award for this, for goodness sake. Unless I was nominated by a preschool 😀 *ponders the photo*

I also figured out a somewhat perfect setting in the Amazon, finally. Their main “hub” and go-to town is Iquitos. It’s full of culture, tourists (which allows Gemma to take her vacation to) and plenty of markets to stock up on food and our ‘bad’ guys can head back out and survive in the jungle.

Hidden beneath all this foliage somewhere, on either side, far or near, up or down the river , hides the bad guys. You’ll never find them, and if you do… *evil laughter*

So… there you have it. I am still working on the chemistry between the plot, setting, characters, and dialogue, but I know how it will begin and how it ends, and some climaxes, and turns and wooaaahhh, there goes my mind spinning again. Anyhoooo, thought it would be fun to share some of the stuff I am working on and researching with you guys =D
AH yes, as you see I have solved last night’s dilemma of name picking. What do you guys think? Jared Stirling and Gemma Ainsley.

Join me on Facebook!
My other page:

Writing new book, brainstorming!

I was going through my folders of unfinished stories I’ve written over the years -and because I made this blog to motivate myself into completing something- I’ve chosen one. Although, I was undecided for a good moment, because I also found a thriller I was having fun with. Anyhow, I’ve decided to go ahead and finish this “romance” I started last year. My issue being, I have always despised stories that portray the female as an incompetent, damsel in distress, man-relying ditz. I am always pro strong and independent female stories, who could take on the world herself if she wanted to. Buuutt, all at the same time, what girl doesn’t melt like butter at a good, heart pinching, dream romance? This one will be taking me a while to get into order, while I work on the perfect story-line to spell out both of my desires. And you all will be the first to find out if I succeed at this or not! I might even do some sort of online contest to pick someone to do the art cover if I *so wisfully* get it published. And even if I don’t, I would still love to have copies to share with my friends and families. Now, back to pen and paper, keys and screen to get this started, and finally, FINISHED!

❤ Sky